Planning Documents

Planning Programs and Projects

Bus Stop Design Standards

Skagit Transit has established a set of general design standards for our residents, businesses, and locoal government partnering agencies to refer to for guidance. These standards are general in nature because each bus stop location has a set of unique characteristics. Transit agencies are often asked how bus stops get established and what goes into the process. These standards are intended to provide an understanding to the process used. Please CLICK HERE to see our Bus Stop Standards. 

2018 Strategic Plan

Skagit Transit conducted a strategic planning process in 2018. This process inculded rider surveys, multiple public meetings, and multiple board meetings in an effort to get as much public feedback as possible. The 2018 Strategic Plan can be viewed by clicking here. This plan was adopted by the Skagit Transit Board of Directors in October 2018.

M.O.A. Base Feasibility Study

Skagit Transit has completed a Feasibility Studyfor a new Maintenance, Operations, and Administration base. The public comment period for the project ended on April 19, 2015. All comments received can be viewed here. A Title VI Equity Analysisof top ranked sites was completed 5/4/2015.

Six Year Transit Development Plan (TDP)

Skagit Transit’s Six-Year Transit Development Plan (TDP) identifies how the agency will meet state and local long-range priorities for public transportation through capital improvements, operating changes, and other programs. The Plan conforms to the State’s transportation system policy goals (RCW 47.04.280) and supports local comprehensive planning and economic objectives within Skagit County. TDPs are updated annually on or before September 1st.

If you would like to review the current TDP please click this link: 2023-2028 Transit Development Plan, it can be downloaded now.

Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP)

Skagit Transit participates in local and regional transportation planning. Skagit Transit prepares plans and project information for submittal to the Regional Transportation Improvement Program for projects that are regionally significant or federally funded. The Skagit Council of Governments is the coordinating planning agency for the RTIP. The RTIP is the financial plan that identifies and prioritizes federally funded and regionally significant transportation projects to be carried out in Skagit and Island counties. Projects including Federal funds must appear in the (RTIP) and are approved by the SCOG Transportation Policy Board/Island Sub-RTPO Policy Board, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).  The projects are then included in the Statewide TIP (STIP).  While the TIP is a six-year document, the projects in the first four years are fiscally constrained and included in the STIP.  All projects in the RTIP must be consistent with the Skagit-Island Metropolitan & Regional Transportation Plan.

5307 Program of Projects Public Hearing Information

Skagit Transit is a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program funds. A program of projects (POP) is a list of projects proposed by a grant recipient to be funded from the urbanized area’s Section 5307 apportionment. In some cases, the POP also includes flexible federal highway funds, such as the Surface Transportation Block Program (STBP). FTA requires that any changes to the POP be circulated for public review as a condition of grant approval.      The POP includes a brief description of the projects, total project costs, and Federal share for each project.

In order to satisfy the POP requirement of the Urbanized Area Formula Program, Skagit Transit will utilize the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (see above) development process to satisfy the public hearing requirements of Section 5307. The Skagit Council of Governments is the lead agency for RTIP development. Projects funded with FTA Section 5307 program funds will be listed in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) and can be viewed using this link

Skagit Transit is the public transportation service provider for the Skagit Public Transportation Benefit Area (PTBA). Reference documents found on this page refer to the PTBA often. The following is a brief definition PTBA: A designated transit service area based on voting district boundaries. Revenues come primarily from a local sales tax collected within the PTBA.


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