Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Community Advisory Committee
04:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Community Advisory Committee
The CAC meetings are held virtually on the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30PM. Meetings are open to the public.
The Skagit Transit Community Advisory Committee’s regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in-person at Skagit Station Community Room at 105 E. Kincaid Street in Mount Vernon. Transportation to the meeting can be arranged by calling 360-757-4433. The meeting will also be available online via MS Teams.
To join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:Microsoft TeamsNeed help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 243 979 329 074
Passcode: tJ65Ct28
Dial in by phone
+1 929-352-2184,,486927532# United States, New York City
West coast number +1 323-705-3199
Phone conference ID: 486 927 532#
Community members are encouraged to attend the meeting to share their thoughts and ideas with Skagit Transit staff and the Committee.
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