Please be aware that the City of Burlington and the surrounding area will be experiencing extremely strong winds Tuesday, November 19th, into Wednesday,...
What does this mean for Skagit Transit? This means we can continue offering the same level of high-quality service and maintain our current hardworking...


Your Information

* If purchasing a local 31-Day Pass for $25, enter $1.19;
  for a Commuter 31-Day Pass for $50.00 enter $2.38.


Yearly Cost of Commuting by Automobile
Yearly Cost of Commuting by Public Transportation
Your annual savings by using Public Transportation
If you can live with one less vehicle in your household, you would save


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Integer tincidunt metus quis augue. Integer eget leo eu libero dignissim cursus. Mauris ultrices, elit sed pellentesque ornare, libero metus consequat nisi, ut malesuada nulla nisi eget sapien. Donec et tortor sit amet mauris viverra tristique. Sed id massa. Donec ultrices, orci non varius aliquam, sapien est elementum ante, vitae facilisis turpis quam sed sapien. Vestibulum aliquet tellus et ipsum. Donec luctus diam id massa. Nunc nibh odio, pellentesque non, mollis quis, iaculis nec, magna. Sed at nibh ac risus hendrerit posuere. Morbi tincidunt, nisl non dapibus lacinia, elit leo egestas ipsum, nec ultrices ante leo vitae velit. In vehicula fermentum est. Aliquam gravida, metus in suscipit pharetra, magna odio scelerisque velit, id eleifend elit justo vitae lectus. Nulla mollis vulputate ante. Pellentesque est lorem, fermentum sit amet, eleifend sit amet, aliquam tempus, tellus. Cras ullamcorper metus vitae dui. Donec massa lacus, aliquet malesuada, pharetra non, commodo a, ante. Etiam ac ligula.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Initiative 2117 has been rejected.

What does this mean for Skagit Transit? This means we can continue offering the same level of high-quality service and maintain our current hardworking staff while advancing our plans for growth. » Continue Reading

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Initiative 2117 has been rejected.

What does this mean for Skagit Transit? This means we can continue offering the same level of high-quality service and maintain our current hardworking staff while advancing our plans for growth. » Continue Reading

Featured Jobs

Manages the Agency’s Procurement Program; performs professional level procurement and special project activities ranging from concept to completion to...
Performs routine cleaning, fueling, servicing and fare retrieval on all vehicles in fleet.
This role supervises Skagit Transit's comprehensive financial management, ensuring the financial integrity of the accounting system and accurate...
Under the supervision of the Director of Safety and Security, plans, develops, coordinates, and implements the security programs for Skagit Transit....


Please be aware that the City of Burlington and the surrounding area will be experiencing extremely strong winds Tuesday, November 19th, into Wednesday,...
What does this mean for Skagit Transit? This means we can continue offering the same level of high-quality service and maintain our current hardworking...
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